Application techniques

Permanent Makeup

Are you tired and frustrated having to draw and pencil your eyebrows each morning? Imagine having fuller-looking, perfectly shaped brows every day that compliments your facial structure, bring out your eyes, define your sparse and over-plucked brows. 

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“The purpose of microblading is to mimic individual hairs by adding hairlike strokes to the skin creating a natural eyebrow look.”

Microbladed brows look very natural because each stroke looks like real hair if it’s done correctly by an experienced professional.

The technique is done with a handheld tool creating many hair-like impressions by implanting pigment strokes under the skin.

The purpose of microblading is to replace individual hairs and to create a natural eyebrow look.  Microbladed brows are the least permanent of all Permanent makeup application techniques because of the shallow depth the pigment is implanted under the skin.

Clients typically come back between 8-12 months for a color boost. Microblading is best for clients with thin or patchy brows, who want a subtle shape enhancement, regularly fill in their brows, and have dry or combination skin type.

Permanent makeup is NOT recommended for any clients who have the following below:

  • Pregnant or nursing
  • Diabetic
  • Chemotherapy (consult your doctor)
  • Viral infections and/or diseases
  • Epilepsy
  • Pacemaker or major heart problems
  • Organ transplant
  • Skin irritations or Psoriasis near the treated area (rashes, sunburn, acne, etc.)
  • Sick (cold, flu, etc.)
  • Botox in the past 2 weeks

Microblading initial appointment: $400

Microblading six-weeks touch up appointment: $150

Additional touch-ups (within three months): $75

Yearly color boost: $200


Combination Brow

“This technique is the combination of microbladed hair strokes and a powder fill that gives an incredibly natural-looking brow.”

This technique is the combination of microbladed hair strokes and a powder fill that gives an incredibly natural-looking brow.

It’s a bit more defined and filled in than just straight microbladed brows, and a bit less solid and dramatic than the powder ombre fill.

All brows are customized specifically for each individual client based on your desired look.

Typically lasts between 18-24 months but retention will depend on your individual skincare routine and overall skin condition.

Permanent makeup is NOT recommended for any clients who have the following below:

  • Pregnant or nursing
  • Diabetic
  • Chemotherapy (consult your doctor)
  • Viral infections and/or diseases
  • Epilepsy
  • Pacemaker or major heart problems
  • Organ transplant
  • Skin irritations or Psoriasis near the treated area (rashes, sunburn, acne, etc.)
  • Sick (cold, flu, etc.)
  • Botox in the past 2 weeks

Combination-brow initial appointment: $400

Combination-brow six-weeks touch up appointment: $150

Additional touch-ups (within three months from initial):$75

Yearly color boost: $200


Ombré Powder

“If you are someone who fills in your brows regularly with pencil or shadow, then this is the method for you! It mimics the look of filled-in brows, without all the effort each morning.”

The Ombré Powder fill method is more like a traditional tattoo and involves the application of thousands of tiny dots of pigment, inserted into the skin, gradually building up a color and defined shape.

The results are longer-lasting and work with most skin types, including oily or combination skin. Clients come back for color boosts closer to the 18-24 months mark. The brow is also fuller and more defined or dramatic than with the hair stroke method.

Permanent makeup is NOT recommended for any clients who have the following below:

  • Pregnant or nursing
  • Diabetic
  • Chemotherapy (consult your doctor)
  • Viral infections and/or diseases
  • Epilepsy
  • Pacemaker or major heart problems
  • Organ transplant
  • Skin irritations or Psoriasis near the treated area (rashes, sunburn, acne, etc.)
  • Sick (cold, flu, etc.)
  • Botox in the past 2 weeks

Ombré Powder initial appointment: $400

Ombré Powder six-weeks touch up appointment: $150

Additional touch-ups (within three months of initial): $75

Yearly color boost: $200


Most frequent questions and answers

A topical anesthetic is applied to your skin before and throughout your procedure to keep you comfortable. Most clients describe the feeling as “irritating” rather than painful. I’ve actually had a few clients fall asleep during their procedure! Some clients’ skin is more sensitive than others and may need to be numbed for a bit longer. In my experience, any discomfort can be easily alleviated by leaving an anesthetic on the skin for a few extra minutes.

It is very important to understand that results vary based on your skin type and lifestyle. There are many factors that play a role in the final effect, and those are not in full control of the artist.

The aftercare process is extremely important and if the proper routine is not followed as it was suggested you can’t expect good and lasting results.

The drier your skin, the better the result: Drink less water leading up to the procedure and avoid moisturizing your brow area for a couple of days before your appointment.

Your skin will go through a healing process for ten days following the Microblading treatment.

The first 2 days make sure nothing is touching them. Do not wash or soak in water for 10 days. Wash around (not on) the treated area.

Stay away from the Sun, chlorine, scrubs, peels, anti-aging or acne skincare may fade your eyebrow color or remove it. No skincare with acid of any kind near the eyebrow area.

First three days the eyebrow will appear darker because the pigment has not yet settled into the skin. Exfoliation will begin in a few days, which will cause the excess pigment surrounding the eyebrow procedure to flake away and a narrower appearance will result. New skin will heal over the pigmented area and result in a softer appearance of your eyebrows. The eyebrows will soften and lighten up about 30% healed.

Allergic reactions: While allergic reactions to organic pigments used for the procedure are rare, it can happen. To prevent any allergic reactions a patch test can be performed prior to your scheduled appointment.

Infections:  Our top priority at our salon is safety and hygiene. We only use a one-time disposable tool to prevent any kind of infection or transmission of infectious diseases. It is extremely important to follow the aftercare instructions and treat the area with care.